Our Stories
Public and Reproductive Health
- Adolescent sexual reproductive health
- Safe abortion care
- Malaria protection and control
- Sensitization on disease outbreak and prevention
- Comprehensive sexuality education
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Interventions on communicable and non-communicable diseases -stigma
Local Governance and Policy Advocacy
- Advocacy for social accountability
- Advocacy for review of existing policies
- Advocacy for policy implementation
- Advocacy for resource mobilisation and proper usage
- Advocacy for community participation in local governance and implementation of projects
Gender and Social Protection
- Community sensitisation on child rights promotion
- Community education on the prevention of child marriage
- Establishment of child parliament
- Advocate for the timely release of the 3% share of the Disability Fund
- Advocate for the involvement of women in local politics
- Rescuing and re-integration of children under worst forms of child labour
- Support for vulnerable school children
- Public education on the need to construct disability friendly public structures
- Livelihoods empowerment programme for the vulnerable households
Agriculture, Environment & Livelihoods
- Livestock rearing (poultry, ruminants, Guinea fowl and piggery)
- Crops production (cowpea, soybeans, maize, sorghum, rice)
- Facilitate soil and water conservation practices such compost preparation, stone bonding/lining, cover cropping and mulching
- Processing and utilisation of produce
- Facilitate provision of irrigation dams or small water facilities
- Promotion of Good Agriculture Practices
- Facilitate access to agriculture inputs
- Promote Agroforestry (acacia etc) and environmental protection campaigns
- Promote growing and processing of moringa
- Intensive/Semi-intensive rearing
- Facilitate livelihoods interventions such as soap making, rabbit rearing, mushroom production, bee keeping, basket weaving, cloth weaving, shea nuts picking/processing, soya milk, khebab, yoghurt, pito brewing - hygienic production, safety standards and packaging, dawadawa processing